

Discover the Remarkable Achievements of Probir Chandra Das FCA. As a prominent figure in the finance and insurance sectors, Probir Chandra Das FCA has earned numerous accolades and honors for his outstanding contributions and achievements.

From prestigious Best Corporate Governance Awards to international recognitions, Probir’s commitment to excellence and innovation has garnered widespread acclaim. Explore this page to delve into the remarkable milestones and accolades earned throughout his illustrious career.

Celebrate Probir Chandra Das FCA’s remarkable journey of success and excellence by browsing through the awards below. Learn more about his extraordinary achievements and significant contributions to the industry.

National Awards

Best Corporate Governance Award

 Probir Chandra Das FCA received “Best Corporate Governance National Award 2021 and 2022” from the Institute of Chartered Secretary of Bangladesh (ICSB) for maintaining good governance in National Life Insurance. Mr. Das is played significant role to maintain good governance in the company.

ICMAB Best Corporate Award 2022

Under the leadership of Mr. Probir Chandra Das, National Life Insurance has been awarded “ICMAB Best Corporate Award 2022” as the best presented annual report in Bangladesh. This award was given by the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh (ICMAB) which is the national cost and management accounting professional body in Bangladesh.

RTV Insurance Award

Mr. Probir Chandra Das received “RTV Insurance Award 2021 & 2022 “from RTV which is one of the leading and popular TV channel in Bangladesh. This award has been given to National Life Insurance for “Best Life Insurance in Bangladesh” for tremendous performance of the company.

International Awards

Emerging ASIA Insurance Award

Mr. Probir Chandra Das FCA received “3rd Emerging ASIA Insurance Award 2021” from Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC), India. Under his leadership as CFO, National Life Insurance awarded “Best Life Insurance Company of the Year 2021

Mr. Das also received “2nd Emerging Insurance Award 2019” from ICC, Bangkok, Thailand. Under his dynamic leadership the company awarded this prestigious award.


ASIA’S Excellence Award 2022

National Life Insurance received this award from CMO Asia, Singapore as the “Best Life Insurance Company on Branding & marketing” in Bangladesh for outstanding performance in insurance sector.  

South Asian Business Excellence Award 2022

Mr. Probir Chandra Das received “South Asian Business Excellence Award 2022” from CMO Asia at Singapore as the Best Company in the country.